
Available notification methods

Currently, The Noterator supports email, HipChat, Twilio (SMS), and desktop notifications.

Desktop notifications are only supported on Mac & Linux. On Linux, the notify-send binary must be on your $PATH.

Here is the full set of configuration options available for all notification methods:

sound = false

from_mail = The Noterator <>
recipient =
host =
port = 25
username =
password = password123

token = abc123
room_id = 123456
from_name = The Noterator
message_colour = green

account_sid = abc123
token = abc123
from_number = +123456
to_number = +456789

The only settings that have a default are:

  • email.port: 25
  • hipchat.from_name: The Noterator
  • hipchat.message_colour: green
  • desktop.sound: false

Configuration in .ini files

By default, noterator will look in $HOME/.config/noterator/config.ini for configuration. See config.example.ini to get started.

If you want to keep your configuration file somewhere else, you can pass the config_file parameter to noterator:

>>> from noterator import noterate, EMAIL
>>> for obj in noterate(my_objects, method=EMAIL, config_file='/path/to/config.ini'):
...     do_something_slow(obj)

Configuration in code

If you set up a Noterator class, you can override your file-based configuration per iteration:

>>> from noterator import Noterator, EMAIL
>>> noterator = Noterator(method=EMAIL, every_n=100, start=True)
>>> noterator.configure_plugin('email', recipient='')
>>> for obj in noterator(my_objects)
...     do_something_slow(obj)
>>> noterator.configure_plugin('email', recipient='')
>>> for obj in noterator(my_other_objects)
...     do_something_slow(obj)

You can go a step further and avoid using files at all. The following code would work even if no configuration file could be found:

>>> from noterator import Noterator, EMAIL
>>> noterator = Noterator(my_objects, method=EMAIL, every_n=100, start=True)
>>> noterator.configure_plugin('email', recipient='', from_mail='', host='')
>>> for obj in noterator:
...     do_something_slow(obj)