Welcome to The Noterator’s documentation!

The Noterator

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Adding notification to your iteration.

>>> from noterator import noterate, EMAIL, HIPCHAT, TWILIO
>>> for obj in noterate(my_objects, method=EMAIL|HIPCHAT|TWILIO):
...     do_something_slow(obj)


Before The Noterator can do anything, you’ll need a config.ini file (see config.example.ini or the example below to get started).

By default, we check for $HOME/.config/noterator/config.ini, so it’s probably best to keep your config there, but you can pass the config_file parameter to noterate with the path to an alternative location.

You only need to define settings for the methods you wish to use.

from = The Noterator <noterator@example.org>
to = you@example.org
host = smtp.example.org
port = 25
username = postmaster@example.org
password = password123

token = abc123
room_id = 123456
from_name = The Noterator
message_colour = green

account_sid = abc123
token = abc123
from_number = +123456
to_number = +456789




This package was created with Cookiecutter and the audreyr/cookiecutter-pypackage project template.

Indices and tables